On The Road

Three Days in Newport

With my family away doing different things, in different continents, I found myself at a loose end this past weekend. Luckily, a friend who was in the same situation came up with a plan and we decided on a weekend getaway in Newport, Rhode Island. Long known for its fancy mansions, sailing culture and of course seafood, Newport has been the perfect summer destination for the New York crowd for ages!

Day 1

Just over a 2 hour drive away, we got to Newport right in time for lunch. We decided to have lunch at the poolside restaurant at our hotel, the Newport Harbor Island Resort.

It was an absolutely perfect day to enjoy the blue skies and do some people watching as we made our plans for the day!

After lunch we drove out to the Newport Vineyard for some wine tasting. Let me tell you that I have never seen so many brides-to-be, all at the same place! Group after group of beautifully dressed bachelorette parties came to hang out and enjoy some great wine and music, while we shamelessly watched on! Of course, we thoroughly enjoyed the wine flights too!

We got back to the hotel to change and head out into town for a walk before dinner. But first, the cutest water taxi took us from the hotel on Goat Island to Bowen’s Wharf. And yes, the sky was really that blue!

Dinner at O’Briens started with a white sangria but it was really just a fruit juice, heavy on pineapple flavor, so we sent it back. Something I don’t usually do! We landed up getting a mediterranean platter and a GF pizza to share – sorry forgot the pics. Do ask for the patio when you go, its really quite lovely especially when they also have some live music playing.

Day 1 ended with a nice walk back to the hotel where they had a number of firepit tables and beautiful fairy lights! Of course we hung out on the deck till we were ready to call it a night!

Day 2

What started as a morning walk turned into an impromptu shopping trip, with no sales tax! Those deals though! Reluctantly, we went back to the hotel to dress for the day and figure out food.

Lunch at The Black Pearl. There were long lines and no reservations available – this is a hugely popular waterfront restaurant. Undaunted, we asked if the hostess could find us a table for two and she did! This was the best salmon I’ve had – perfectly crisp on the top, melt-in-your-mouth soft on the bottom. Served on a bed of white bean hummus and a beets and fennel salad. Yum!

After lunch, we were all walked out so we hopped on the free trolley to get a quick ride around Newport. Best way to see all the sights, including the most popular summer home built by the Vanderbilts, The Breakers. Newport was certainly born during the gilded age!

Dinner reservations at 6pm meant we had to get back to the hotel and clean up in time to walk over to the restaurant – Bar Cino. This time my friend ordered the salmon and I got the short ribs – good, but still not as good as mine! Although they were so liberal with salt (glad my husband was not the one with that platter!) Plus loads of iron so there’s that!

Day 3

The best laid plans. Well, we had planned to do the famous Cliff walk in the morning but as it turned out the weather turned against us. It was a super dull grey and rainy morning. Since we were leaving we decided to use the hotel gym, pack up and head out. Brunch before we hit the road seemed like a good idea! The Hungry Monkey was where landed up and who knew that it was such a gem! The veggie omelette was actually full of veggies (including broccoli!) I love it when restaurants cater to GF diets – both the toast and the bagel were GF.

I’m definitely coming back for another weekend getaway in Newport! Of course on the drive back home we had to end the day with some shopping at the Clinton Outlet mall – that most quintessential of American roadtrip stops. But before I wrap this up, I have to share the best sign that I saw in the bathroom at The Hungry Monkey! True that!!